Directions to Expo Idaho-
Expo Idaho is located at 5610 Glenwood, Boise, ID 83714.
Coming from Oregon on I-84 East:
- Take EXIT 46, turn LEFT onto Eagle Rd.
- Turn right onto Chinden Blvd.
- Turn left onto Glenwood, pull into far right lane and turn into first Expo entrance.
Coming from I-15 South, Montana or eastern Idaho:
- Traveling on I-15 west, take the Twin Falls EXIT 72 where the interstate merges into I-84 west.
- Take EXIT 52, turn right onto Orchard St.
- Drive all the way to Chinden, take a left onto Chinden.
- Turn right onto Kent Lane, you'll see the Expo Idaho Sign above you.
Coming from Utah on I-84 West:
- Upon reaching Boise, take EXIT 52, turn right onto Orchard St.
- Drive all the way to Chinden, take a left onto Chinden.
- Turn right onto Kent Lane, you'll see the Expo Idaho Sign above you.
Coming from Nevada on 93 North:
- Traveling north, reach Hwy 93/30 interchange; take a right onto Hwy 93/30.
- Turn left onto Blue Lakes Blvd N./Hwy 93.
- Reaching I-84, take a left to enter I-84 West.
- Upon reaching Boise, take EXIT 52, turn right onto Orchard St.
- Drive all the way to Chinden, take a left onto Chinden.
- Turn right onto Kent Lane, you'll see the Expo Idaho Sign above you.
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